
the Japanese soul

of Madama Butterfly

Madama Butterfly is well-known in the world as one of Italian opera pieces for excellence. Its subtitle is “Japanese tragedy”. Which is really “Japanese” in Puccini’s Butterfly? Little but significant signs.
Visual signs in the opera historic posters which call to mind the Japanese prints ukiyo-e.
Theatrical signs in the plot and in some characters – like for
example zio Bonzo - which resemble those of Japanese theatre.
Musical signs like pentatonic scale used in some parts of the score which is a reference mark of Japanese classical music such as in Turandot pentatonic scale is a reference mark of Chinese classical music.
The presence of these signs of Japanese artistic tradition together with the Japanese setting and with the plot are some of the reasons why Madama Butterfly has been such famous in Japan.
Memorable stage performance by soprano Miura Tamaki and direction by Asari Keita show a “Japanese style” Madama Butterfly.
Cio-Cio-San, the Japanese soul of Madama Butterfly is a journey to Japanese sources of Puccini’s opera.

Floriano Terrano





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