The eagle in the West, 
the tiger in the East

Harukichi Shimoi, Comrade Samurai

Harukichi Shimoi (下位春吉, 1883-1954) is nowadays an almost little known name only. However one hundred years ago his cultural action gave a big stimulus in studying Japanese art and above all literature in Italy and Europe. 
He was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in an ancient samurai family and after studying English literature at Tokyo, charmed by Dante and his Divine Comedy he decided to move to Italy and he reached Naples in 1915. Since 1916 begins to cooperate with Royal Asian College in Naples (Reale Istituto Orientale now known as Naples Eastern University, the oldest school of Sinology and Oriental Studies of Europe) where he taught Japanese language and literature until 1926. Harukichi founded in Naples Sakura (1920-21), the first European review which let not only the great Japanese writers and artists of the past be know in West but also some contemporary like Yosano Akiko (与謝野 晶子, 1878 – 1942). In his book Versificazioni giapponesi published in 1920 Harukichi Shimoi translated into refined Italian words the famous haiku by Matsuo Bashō 古池や蛙飛びこむ水の音, “O, laghetto antico!... / Ecco! / Un tonfo di rana...”('An old pond - a splashing sound of a frog jumping in').
Anyway Harukichi was not only important for Japanese literature: he took part in First World War as a military volunteer soldier in the Italian Royal Army and he taught karate lessons the soldiers at frontline. In this occasion he met the well-known Italian poet and writer Gabriele D’Annunzio (1863-1938) and their friendship will last till death. D’Annunzio, connoisseur of Japanese art and culture, names Harukichi “Camerata Samurai” (Comrade Samurai) and praises his literary inspiration and likewise his valor in battle. In 1919 Harukichi Shimoi followed the Italian poet during the Impresa di Fiume ("Fiume Exploit") and became one of the most trusted collaborators of D’Annunzio as his personal messenger. In fact between 1919 and 1920 Harukichi had the task of diplomat between the Italian Regency of Carnaro and Italy. 
At this time probably it happened the encounter between Harukichi and Mussolini director of newspaper called Il Popolo d’Italia. Mussolini learnt from Harukichi about Byakkotai (白虎隊, "White Tiger Force") and he was deeply affected by it. During the Boshin War (戊辰戦争, 1868-69), fought between samurai clans faithful to Shogun and supporters of Tennō Meiji, the warriors of Byakkotai from Aizu region at Fukushima killed themselves by seppuku since they thought their lord died. Mussolini was deeply moved by this story of honour and loyalty and in 1928 he offered a column from Pompeii with the epigraph: “S.P.Q.R. / Nel segno del littorio / Roma / madre di civiltà / con la millenaria colonna / testimone d’eterna grandezza / tributa onore imperituro / alla memoria degli eroi di Biaccotai / Anno MCMXXVIII VI Era Fascista” (“S.P.Q.R. / In the sign of the fasces / Rome / mother of civilization / with millenary column / witness of eternal greatness / pays tribute imperishable / to the memory of the heroes of Byakkotai”). Even nowadays the column is still on Iimori hill (飯盛山) at Aizu-Wakamatsu where the White Tigrs killed themsleves.
During Fascism some important cultural meetings about the Rising Sun were held in Italy thanks to Harukichi Shimoi and his urge upon knowing and studying Japanese art and literature: the first Exposition of Japanese Painting was organised in Rome in 1930 inaugurated by Mussolini himself in the presence of the famous painter Yokoyama Taikan (横山 大観, 1868-1958) and the Società Amici del Giappone (“Society of Friends of Japan”) was founded in 1938 at Palazzo Orsini and during the opening ceremony philosopher Giovanni Gentile (1875-1944) made a speech. Mussolini in 1942 went to Società Amici del Giappone himself.
In the second half of the twenties Shimoi Harukichi came back to Japan and translated the books of D’Annunzio, famous in Japan in the early Twentieth century. Shimoi’s daughter Momoyo lived in Italy as well. In fact she married Ono Hichiro, correspondent of Mainichi Shinbun in Italy. Ono Hichiro maintains a good relationship with Mussolini insomuch as during the Italian Social Republic in 1944 Mussolini’s mistress Claretta Petacci was hosted by Ono family in their mansion near the Lake Garda for a while. Kimiko, the daughter of Ono Hichiro, has been interviewed by journalist Yoshikawa Kazunori in Tokyo and she revealed an anecdote of which she was eye witness: when il Duce phoned up Claretta during her stay in Kimiko’s family mansion, he said “moshi, moshi”. When Claretta spoke on the phone she replied to him jokingly “moshi moshi, watashi yo”.
Mussolini had also a very close friendship with Japanese ambassador Hidaka Shinrokuro. Probably Mussolini entrusted a copy of his famous epistolary exchange with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill just to Hidaka. Although history hid all behind its dusty curtain and after the war Hidaka has always denied to have come into possession of the copy of the correspondence.
After the fall of Mussolini affairs between Japan and Italy suddenly broke-up. With a grotesque epilogue: the Parri Cabinet, in office for a short time, on July 15, 1945 declared war against Japan destroyed yet by American bombings. A declaration of war against a defeated country which was never ended by a peace treaty ... then at present Italy would be only on paper ... still at war with Japan!
The figure of Shimoi lights up the early cultural relationships between Italy and Japan, two distant and different countries which at that time rested upon the basis of shared values​​. Moreover the figure of Shimoi lights up an historical period considered by many only as a dark one, but instead it was made of light and shade, just as the concept of Yin () and Yang (), philosophical cornerstone of the Far East.

Floriano Terrano



 位春吉(しもい はるきち。18831954)という名は現在、ほぼ無名に近いであろう。しかし100年前、彼の文化活動がイタリアとヨーロッパにおいて、日本芸術と、とりわけ日本文学の研究のためのたいへん大きな推進力となったのである。
 下位春吉は福岡県の士族の旧家に生まれた。東京で英文学を学んだ後、ダンテに魅了された彼はイタリアに渡ることを決意し、1915年ナポリに到着。1916年からナポリ王立東洋学院(現在のナポリ東洋大学)で日本語と日本文学を教え始め、1926年まで教鞭をとることになる。春吉はまた、日本の過去の偉大な作家や芸術家のみならず、与謝野晶子のような当代の作家をも西洋に紹介したヨーロッパ初の雑誌「桜」(192021)を、ナポリにおいて刊行したことにも、言及しなければならない。下位春吉は、松尾芭蕉の有名な俳句「古池や蛙飛び込む水の音」を、“O, laghetto antico!.../Ecco! / Un tonfo di rana...”と、洗練されたイタリア語に訳している(『日本語の作詩法』1920年)。
 さて、春吉の業績は文学活動においてだけではなかった。彼は第一次世界大戦においてイタリア軍に志願入隊し、前線の兵士たちに空手を教えた。そしてその時期に彼は、詩人であり作家であるガブリエーレ・ダンヌンツィオ(18631938)と知り合い、生涯を通しての友人となったのである。ダンヌンツィオは、日本の芸術と文化に精通しており、春吉のことを“Camerata Samurai”(侍の同胞。カメラータとは、ファシスト党員同士の呼び方であった)と呼び、春吉の文学的霊感や戦争における活躍ぶりを賞賛した。
 下位春吉は、このイタリアの詩人による1919年のフィウメ占拠(フィウメは現、クロアチアの都市リエカ)において従軍する。そしてダンヌンツィオの個人的な書簡の受け渡し役として、ダンヌンツィオが最も信頼をよせる人物の一人となっていく。1919年から1920年にかけて春吉は、カルナーロ=イタリア執政府とイタリア国の間の外交任務を担う。おそらく、まさにこの機に春吉と、そのころ「Il Popolo d'Italia」(イタリア人民)新聞の編集長であったムッソリーニは出会ったものと思われる。この日本の文学者を通してムッソリーニは白虎隊のエピソードを知るに至り、深く感銘を受けた。戊辰戦争(186869)は旧幕府を信奉する不平士族と、明治天皇の親政体制派とのあいだの内戦であり、会津藩(現在の福島県)の白虎隊の戦士たちが、若松城が落城し彼らの城主が死んだものと思い、切腹というかたちで散って行ったという話である。この、名誉と忠節のストーリーに感動したムッソリーニは、 1928年、ポンペイの遺跡から発掘された古代ローマ時代の石柱に、「元老院とローマの人民。文明の母たるローマは、白虎隊勇士の遺烈に不朽の敬意を捧げんがため、古代ローマの権威を表すファシスト党章を飾り、永遠偉大の証たる千年の古石柱を贈る。西暦紀元1928年、ファシスト紀元6年」と碑文を刻み、寄贈している。その石柱は、白虎隊が最期を遂げた福島県会津若松市の飯盛山に今もなお、立っている。

(Giornale Luce A0570 dated May 1930: Mussolini at the Exposition of Japanese Painting  

(Giornale Luce B1255 dated 02.16.1938: The opening ceremony of the “Società Amici del Giappone”

(Giornale Luce C0240 dated 04.18.1942: Mussolini visits at  location of  the “Società Amici del Giappone”
