「Small sky - Piccolo Cielo - 小さな空」

2020年8月5日 21時 
Teatro Tempio, viale Caduti in Guerra 196,  Modena

コンサート「Small Sky - Piccolo Cielo - 小さな空」は、日本人のルーツと西洋の音楽モデルを深く融合させた日本人作曲家、武満徹(1930-1996)の曲にちなんで名付けました。
イタリアと日本。 遠く離れた非常に異なる2つの国ですが、長距離愛の関係にあります。西洋での日本についての最初の言及は、13世紀の終わりにベネチア出身のマルコポーロが書いた「イル ミリオーネ」で、そこには、美しく洗練された人々が住み、金と真珠が豊富なジパング島と書かれています。

"Piccolo Cielo - Chiisana sora" is a concert that takes its name from a piece by the Japanese composer Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996), a musician who deeply blends his Japanese roots with Western musical models. The concert is by two Japanese musicians Tomomi Ezoe, soprano, and Mari Fujino, pianist, who have chosen to live in Italy for their great love for music and for Italian culture. 
Italy and Japan are two distant and very different countries which however have a long distance love relationship.
In fact the first mention of Japan in the western world is by the Venetian Marco Polo, who wrote about the island of Cipangu in his book "Il Milione" at the end of the thirteenth century. Cipangu was very rich in gold and pearls, inhabited by beautiful and refined people.
Since long time ago, the Bel Paese and the Rising Sun have "met" numerous and significant times, up to the current mutual relationship of friendship and esteem.

Consulate-General of Japan in Milan's Facebook

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