

2018年10月13日(土) 16:00開演 



江副友美、 ソプラノ


ジェノヴァと東洋は、少なくともマルコ・ポーロがジェノヴァのサン・ジョルジョ宮殿に投獄された1298年から今日までの間、とても長い歴史関係があります。『東方見聞録』は、マルコ・ポーロがアジア諸国で見聞した内容口述を、ルスティケロ・ダ・ピサが採録編纂した旅行記である。 その中の1節でマルコ・ポーロは初めて西洋人に日本という国が存在していることを知らせることになった。ジェノヴァと東洋の関係は、19世紀後半にジェノヴァ出身のエドアルド・キヨッソーネが日本に渡り、また人生の最後まで日本で過ごしたことにより関係がより深まっていきます。キヨッソーネは、日本からジェノヴァに数多くの日本の芸術作品を輸出しており、その作品の数々を展示しているのが今日の「キヨッソーネ東洋美術館」である。


One of the most important and beautiful museum of Japanese and Oriental art

The Edoardo Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art

Saturday 13th October 2018

Mou sugu aki...

Spring is coming soon... 

Autumn in Japanese music

Tomomi Ezoe (江副友美), soprano

Mari Fujino (藤野まり), piano

With a lecture about Autumn in Japanese culture by Floriano Terrano

Genoa and Far East: a very old relationship. It has started at least since 1298, when Marco Polo was imprisoned in the prison of Palazzo San Giorgio. There he dictated his stories to his cellmate Rustichello da Pisa and his very famous book Il Milione aka The Travels of Marco Polo was born. The Travels of Marco Polo made European people know about China and the other countries of Far East, Japan included. In fact Marco Polo was the first to mention Japan in Western history.

The relationship between Genoa and Far East continues deeply in the last decades of 19th century, when the Genoan engraver and painter Edoardo Chiossone has lived in Japan until death. Before his death, he sent to Genoa his large collection of Japanese art works which will later become the Edoardo Chiossone Museum of Oriental Art.

With a lecture about Autumn in Japanese culture by Floriano Terrano, a concert of Japanese music dedicated to autumn culture in Japan, a country that celebrates the beauty and the malincholy of fall as a collective custom.

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